How do you deal with fatigue? [View all]
I ask because yesterday and today I had some of the worst fatigue I've had in about a year. Since I went from the FOLFOX to the FOLFIRI, my fatigue has been a lot better. It's still horrible....I cant work, had to quit school, and lost most of my muscle...but it is better than it was. However, this week it has been horrible. I got up from the couch a handful of times, and that was just to go to the washroom. Once I would finish my business in the bathroom, I would have to sit and rest before moving my carcass back on to the couch.
Unlike pain or nausea, there are really no medical ways of dealing with fatigue. Some people have suggested Yoga to me, but the thought of driving to a class or even standing up in my own living room sounds damn near impossible. Usually the fatigue wears off a lot before my next chemo, but it is lasting longer and longer.
Do you guys have ANY suggestions? I'm really not expecting anything but I figured I would ask anyways. At least you guys can sympathize and my misery does love it's company.