Lackland AFB. But as this link shows: there are big problems across the board.
I think there are a number of problems that contribute to this.
1. The military segregates itself somewhat from the civilian community. There is a separate culture in the military and in each of the branches from the civilian community.
2. That separate culture tends to be further to the conservative right than the civilian community. The kinds of things the women in the link related as to what was said to them after their assaults, you hear those things on the farthest right message forums. The right wingers who enlist or commission tend to reinforce each others viewpoints on things and make each other even more extreme. That includes attitudes towards women, minorities and the LGBT community. Obviously that is not the case everywhere, many places have no issues with women or any diversity group. But you see how this happens in certain places. The average ideological bent in the military is not far from what it is at Free Republic. The Air Force and Navy actually tend to be the more progressive services. The Army and Marine Corps tend to be the furthest right wing, to the point that they found neo-nazi paraphernalia and kkk in various marine and army baracks and an active KKK group at one marine base .
3. Military training environments where trainees/recruits are subject to emotional hazing have a lot of good people in command and in their NCO cadres, but they also tend to attract those people who want to emotionally haze people, i.e. for lack of a better term, people with some sadistic tendencies. But I want to stress, most of the drill/training instructors are really good people. In the Lackland situation, there are 500+ drill/training instructors and less than 20 or so were under investigation.
More soon...
On edit: Fulldisclosure - I am former USAF enlisted and yes, went through Basic Training at Lackland AFB