I mean, the fact of the matter is, and this is borne out by the historical record, that full body plate armor in general is a piss-poor thing to try to wear into battle. Add to that invariably bad sanitation, several rotting teeth, poor nutrition and god knows what other communicable or chronic ailments, and it's amazing any of these people even made it to the damn war in the first place. I'd suspect half of them passed out from exhaustion or heatstroke after the first 5 minutes.
I'm not sure old school Armor of the Knights and Swords variety is redeemable, in a practical utility sense. Of course, we're talking fantasy, so.. I agree it's absurd to have a sword-wielding female wearing a metal plated bikini and little else. Yeah, right.
Again, Game Of Thrones gets it right:

And it's interesting that the article notes Mass Effect as doing a good job in terms of futuristic body armor. Sci Fi probably provides more latitude in envisioning body armor made of protective materials that don't weigh more than the actual body.