eHarmony and the pissing and moaning of men.
The problem is, what you propose would not have the desired effect. Precisely because of patriarchy. Being leered at / commented on / rated etc. doesn't have the effect on men that it predictably (and therefore intentionally) has on women: to intimidate. Because women don't exercise the power over men that men exercise over women.
I'm put in mind of an incident back around 1975. I was working for a prestigious government research agency while I was in law school. I went to work in bare feet and ripped blue jeans, with the hair and body to round out the hot chick look of the day, but that was really just me not giving much of a toss what I looked like. We juniors used to hang out at the high-end classy hotel bar next door after work, looking generally grotty. One day, I was walking up the circular staircase in the lobby to the women's washroom, and some drunken business man called something offensive up after me. I had long since realized that "Fuck off", a retort that had worked well five years earlier to cause the sources of unwanted attention to take great offence and get all pissy, had lost its sting. So I turned around, sneered down at him, and said: "Eat shit." He replied: "I can think of something I'd rather eat, woo hoo."
You can't beat them at their game. You are the object, they are the subject. They know it.