In reply to the discussion: Should a feminist wife be an equal contributor to the household finances? [View all]iris27
(1,951 posts)they have built together. This doesn't necessarily mean both equally contribute at home and both equally contribute financially, but there should be an overall balance in what both are doing.
Many times, though - not saying that this is necessarily the case in your situation, but sociological studies have found, on average, that wives do literally double the amount of the unpaid, day-to-day "stuff" that keeps life running smoothly compared to husbands, and that husbands consistently overestimate the amount of time they spend on such tasks, and underestimate the time their wives spend, when both are compared to an objective timing device.
However, in your particular case, it sounds like there may be other issues in play, and I'll echo elleng's suggestion that both financial and relationship counseling might be beneficial.