Why Jan Brewer Should Keep Her Fingers To Herself [View all]
A friend of mine from high school posted this on Facebook today. Yesterday he sparked a wicked discussion on Facebook regarding Jan Brewers behavior. He made a good point - yeah it wasn't appropriate - but it also wasn't "lady like" and that perhaps he has a liberal feminist man married to a liberal feminist woman needed to re-evaluate his perception of gender appropriate behavior.
His wife then found this post on a feminist blog that explored how race and gender don't exist in separate vacuums. A bit of background on this man - his mom and my mom ran in the same circles in our home city. Moorehouse undergrad, Harvard Law, member of bachelors and Benedict, was a student of Malcolm X when we were in high school and is now attending Seminary school. He's questioning the concept of female rage being a stereotype of the "angry black woman". IE did Jan Brewer spark something that we were not aware exists? And he and his wife amongst others are exploring - and I'm sure you'll like this . . . Why feminist women don't behave this way - regardless of our skin tone.
I.E. Who is really angry - and is their anger justified. No answers from me - just a well written and thought provoking piece. Enjoy!