Luckily, I work at home, but I've never worked at a place that has a nice area to pump. Most mothers end up having to sit on the toilet in the bathroom with a battery operated pump (I've heard a few of them).
The lactation consultant at the hospital was crazy against formula feeding EVER. I told her that, with twins, I don't see how it's possible to NOT use formula sometimes. She tried to point out to me that I'd be an utter failure if I fed them formula, I'd never produce breastmilk.. yadda yadda yadda.
Formula really is just as nutritious as breast milk. Some of the additives give me pause, but I'm lucky enough to be able to afford organic formula. My daughter was unable to breast feed and fed my grandson some sort of Enfamil (provided by WIC) for babies with reflux and he did just fine.
I told her and I tell other women - if you could ask your baby "Do you want to eat?" or "Do you want to breast feed?", I'm pretty sure that the baby's preference is to be fed... however that comes about is the best thing for him/her.