I read that the school was being really strict about boys wearing shorts to school. They banned shorts in their dress code, but they did allow skirts for the females. The code said nothing about who could or could not wear the skirts. So, the boys all wore skirts to school. There was nothing the school could do about it, as their own regulations said wearing them was acceptable and they did not specify a gender in that rule. Now, I am not talking about a few boys, I mean most of the entire school of males wore them, and as I understand it, they finally changed the rule to allow boys to wear shorts when the weather is warm.
I know the school where I used to work had the same thing come up and fortunately the parents raised holy hell about it. Suffice to say, it was finally discovered that it was two administration people who had decided that they wanted boys to always wear long pants because it 'looked better'. I love the one parent who said to me, "So, my child would look really nice for two people when he is loaded into the ambulance for heat stroke?" I just nodded my head.