Should be able to participate in female teams.
Likewise transmen should be able to play in mens sports teams.
Its only us transpeople singled out by these toxic republican perverts for body inspection.
Being a non binary transman I would be horrified by such body inspections and would skip gym and might even forego school altogether it would be that upsetting to me.
When I got to middle school I was still female bodied and was bullied relentlessly. I quit gym. I hooked classes where the teacher let transphobic slurs go unpunished.
Later I quit school and got a GED. Scored in the top 1%in Maryland.To me the test was easy and I wondered if I could have spared myself decades of discrimination and abuse if I took it and passed it in the 4th grade.
Sometimes I wish kids who are being abused at school and discriminated against could get out of middle or highschool by getting a GED.
I know alot of transgendered and non-binaries and bi or gay people would like that option especially in repuke states.
I just couldn't take the gender bullshit at school anymore. It was literally making me crazy.