Reddit: I am back after a year. This is what I learned about myself and 911 [View all]
by texdeveloper
I got burned out discussing the topic, I kind of just did not want to debate about it any more. I knew the falls were impossible for all three buildings, that the official story made no sense. I got tired of people online trying to answer my questions with dogmatic and unquestioning replies; talking to me like I had shitted in the house of the lord. (yes, I have issues, but bear with me).
In my real life, people would just rather not discuss this topic much. A lot of people express curiosity when I start talking, but most rather forget about it soon enough. The combination of online hostility and real world indifference made me want to not deal with it much for the past year. I think I stopped reading the stuff in this sub because of all the troll accounts here a year ago. So they won, sort of.
But I cannot stay away from this topic. This lie is making my country sick. I was reading about the white rose movement in Germany in world war 2 . I am not saying the United States is a totalitarian government or that I will be shot for speaking my mind. But I cannot stand by while most of my country cheerily still drowns itself with stupid propaganda and lies about this subject. Reading about the white rose movement inspired me tonight. I started commenting on other threads about 911. I think I could ignore 911 if the denial of it were not so pervasive; but it is, and almost every American has been affected by these lies. I think I could ignore 911 if everyone just forgot about it. But every day on reddit there is some nutcase proclaiming how nutty 911 conspirators are, and then any real replies to it are downvoted. Its unhealthy. It teaches kids not to think, it shows the political process as so far gone as to be pathetic.
I have no clue what I am going to do, though.
Thanks for reading. It just seemed appropriate to post this here, given how much time I used to spend in this sub a while back. If this sub is like I remember it, there will be maybe 1 or 3 upvotes, with perhaps a couple of decent responses and perhaps two or so demented ones; but I was writing this just to get this off my chest, not really for the upvotes or comments -- although comments are of course appreciated.
For some of us, it is tough to watch as the US descends into fascism based on lies. Others- not so much.