a UFO boosters conference with no dissenters.
Charles Halt is one of the main players in the famous UFO case known as the Rendlesham Forest incident.
Base commander of Woodbridge and Bentwaters airfields at the time of the Rendlesham incident, US Air Force Colonel Conrad has released several statements to Dr David Clarke of Sheffield Hallam University, debunking the testimonies of both Lt Col Charles Halt and Sgt Jim Penniston, both of whom claim that a UFO of extra-terrestrial origin landed on the base and was seen by many witnesses.
"We saw nothing that resembled Lt Col Halt's descriptions either in the sky or on the ground," Col Conrad said.
In a damning indictment of his former deputy, Col Conrad added: "We had people in position to validate Halt's narrative, but none of them could."
He said there was no "hard evidence" of anything suspicious.
The Geiger counter was initially said to have given slightly elevated readings in the clearance, but that these were later found to indicate "normal" levels of background radiation.
Col Conrad is scathing about his former deputy.
"He should be ashamed and embarrassed by his allegation that his country and England both conspired to deceive their citizens over this issue. He knows better," he said.
Richard Haines has some credibility in UFO (he prefers the term UAP unidentified aerial phenomena) research, and he likes to call himself a skeptic, but he is clearly a True Believer. He presents himself as a former NASA scientist, but Hainess Ph. D. is in psychology. A few years ago I read something hed written about his take on ETs and I thought, holy shit, this guys a wacko. It was kind of like when I was a teenager and had a date with a guy Id admired from afar and had always thought was awesome. We were at the movies, and he suddenly excused himself to call his mom to ask her to check to make sure none of the shoes in his bedroom closet were touching each other.
The Belgian UFO Wave has been thoroughly debunked time and time again, yet True Believers refuse to accept the reality:
GEIPAN UFO research has been repeatedly criticized by French scientists.
Leslie Kean presents herself as a serious UFO researcher who seeks the truth about UFOs, but she is in fact a gung-ho True Believer.
So, it should be a fascinating conference. Yes indeedy.