Creative Speculation
In reply to the discussion: Here's a correction OP for 50 Reasons, 50 Years OP [View all]arguille
(60 posts)Posner's book was hastily assembled to serve as a counter to Oliver Stone's film. Its pulpy writing style and looseness with the historical record has been roundly criticized and today even Warren Commission supporters back away from supporting it as anything but a poorly constructed prosecutor's brief.
Bugliosi's book is generally well considered for its depth of detail and accumulated fact, but it also is a prosecutor's brief and has been harshly criticized for what it leaves out. Bugliosi also discredits his presentation by finding no fault with the performances of the Dallas police, the FBI, and the autopsy doctors - not to mention his tendency to heap gratuitous insults onto the critical community, many of them easy targets. Jim DiEugenio wrote a book-length deconstruction of Bugliosi's book (see the CTKA website), and its reputation and credibility has been seriously diminished since. I believe it to be the "last gasp" of the official story, as the weight of the information now public showing both a high-level conspiracy and cover-up is overwhelming.
I am not surprised that you cite both authors as a similar haughty tone infects your posts, as is also a tendency to dismiss arguments before really understanding them. That is, your mind seems to be made up and you are solely in "attack" mode.