but neither said they believed in them, only that they liked movies showing people of the world putting aside their differences and working together to thwart attempts by ET aliens to conquer Earth.
Clinton was a big fan of the movie Independence Day, and he spoke highly of it a number of times. On the day of the movie’s release, at the 200th Birthday Celebration for Youngstown Ohio, Clinton said this of the movie.
Somebody joked with me ‑‑ I don't know if any of you have seen this new movie "Independence Day" ‑‑ (applause) ‑‑ but somebody said I was coming to Youngstown because this is the day the White House got blown away by space aliens. (Laughter) I hope it's there when I get back. (Laughter) Anyway, I recommend the movie. I got a chance to see it the other night.[3]
A couple weeks after the release of the movie, still inspired by the Independence Day movie, President Clinton made yet another alien invasion remark.
Very interesting, don't you think, that this movie, Independence Day, is becoming the most successful movie ever? Some say it's because they blew up the White House and the Congress ‑‑ (laughter) ‑‑ and that may be. But, you know, you see story after story after story about how the movie audiences leap up and cheer at the end of the movie when we vanquish the alien invaders, right? I mean, what happened? The country was flat on its back, the rest of the world was threatened, and you see all over the world all these people have all of a sudden put aside the differences that seem so trivial once their existence was threatened, and they're working together all over the world to defeat a common adversary.
The next alien invasion comments came from Hillary Clinton who seemed to share the President’s interest in the alien invasion concept. On October 13, 1998, at Spanish Hall, Prague Castle Hillary said:
In one of those popular movies I referred to that swept my country and apparently made a lot of money around the world, called Independence Day — these movies always seem to start with an attack on Washington, D.C., which I don’t really know how to take, the blowing up of the White House and Capitol to begin with—the ending of it required all of us to cooperate to fend off an alien attack. And certainly in the theater in which I saw it, there were great cheers as people of all different races and backgrounds and societies around the globe came together as human beings to save ourselves. We certainly don’t expect it to come to that... [5]