1) A token amount of right of return to Israel proper of those who were forced out in the War of Independence. Rest will be monetarily compensated by Israel.
2) Any Jews forced out of Arab countries in the years after the War for independence will be monetarily compensated by those countries
3) Israel pulls back to basically the green line, with some minor border adjustments
4) Old city stays politically under Israeli control, holy areas remain as status quo. Palestine can call an area east of the old city their capital if they wish.
5) Settlers in WB will be given two choices, remain in settlements, with dual citizenship (but only voting in Palestinian elections), or they can come back to Israel proper with monetary compensation for their homes in the WB, to be paid for by Israel and Palestine equally.
6) Any terror attacks from Gaza or WB will be considered attacks from Palestine, and the Palestinian government will be solely responsible for them. Israel will have a right to defend itself from such attacks, as would any country attacked by a foreign power
7) UN troops to monitor the border between Israel and Palestine for 10 years. UN peacekeepers will be free to take any action necessary to stop an attack.
8) Tunnel to be built between Gaza and the WB area with entrances on both sides guarded by UN forces, free to take any actions necessary to stop an attack.
9) If the PA rejects these proposals, they will be thrown off any UN committees they are on, monitor ejected from UN, no longer receive any money from the UN, etc.