....don't merit self-determination and that Palestinians have a right to terrorize and murder them.
“Palestinians have a right to resistance by any means, including armed resistance. Jews aren’t indigenous just because you say you are….Jews are not a people…the UN’s principle of the right to self-determination applies only to colonized people who want to acquire their rights. I am completely and categorically against binationalism because it assumes that there are two nations with equal moral claims to the land.”
If you apply the same standards of racism to everyone then that's racist.
Otherwise, nothing is.
BTW, here's an interview with Barghouti @ the 972 website and you'll note Barghouti participates in a full boycott of everything Israeli, refusing to do interviews with the Israeli media....
Yet Barghouti, 51, refuses to respond to his accusers — he maintains a boycott of the Israeli media. He was willing to conduct this rare interview due to my Palestinian identity and under the condition that it be published first in Arabic, on Palestinian website “Bokra” – although it is also being published in English here on +972 Magazine and in Hebrew on Local Call, where I am a blogger. Unified trilingual anti-Zionism at its best, I must add.
Barghouti explains his choice to not speak with the Israeli media and the logic behind the more general call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel as a whole: “In every other situation of sustained oppression, human rights groups call for punitive measures against the state and its institutions, not just against a narrow component of the state that is directly connected to the injustice at hand. No one called for banning products of Sudanese companies producing in Darfur in response to the Sudanese regime’s war crimes there. Sudan as a whole was targeted.
“As Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said, Israel is put on a pedestal in the West, and treated as if it were above international law. BDS seeks to end this Israeli exceptionalism and criminal impunity. Israel must be treated like any other state committing similarly egregious crimes.”
There you go, repeating throughout the article that it's not the occupation or settlements being targeted but all Israel.
100% antisemitic.
Is this where you go into full denial mode, deflect, ignore, other....?