In reply to the discussion: (NOT The Onion) UNESCO to vote on Jewish connection with the Temple Mount [View all]Little Tich
(6,171 posts)adherents, then you're wrong. It's easy to prove that Israel discriminates against non-Jewish religions and their adherents, and that Israel gives preferential treatment and funding to the Jewish religion and its adherents. I don't know how much you know about religious rights in the US, but the things Israel does wouldn't be allowed in the US. I think the US system of civil rights is a good standard that other countries should be judged against. As the argument here is about access to holy places, I'll provide a few examples of the actual discrimination in that regard, which isn't phony unlike the "Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount" argument.
2012 Report on International Religious Freedom: Israel and The Occupied Territories - The Occupied Territories
Source: US Department of State, May 20, 2013
Israel made few accommodations for Palestinian Muslims to enter Jerusalem for religious purposes. The Israeli human rights organization Gisha filed an appeal in February 2011 on behalf of four Gazan Muslims above the age of 40 who were denied permits to enter Jerusalem to pray at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount during the Prophet Mohammeds birthday in 2011. Gisha argued that Israel categorically rejected requests from Gazan Muslims and was obligated to set reasonable criteria that allow Muslims from Gaza to travel in areas under Israeli control for purposes of prayer. An Israeli court in August rejected Gishas argument and accepted the premise that the states obligation to Gazans is limited to permitting travel in exceptional humanitarian cases. The court imposed court costs on Gisha and the plaintiffs of 25,000 NIS ($6,250).
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Under heavy guard, minister visits West Bank shrine
Soure: Times of Israel, June 1, 2016
In the early hours of Tuesday morning, under heavy army guard, Interior Minister Aryeh Deri visited the Jewish holy site of Josephs Tomb in the West Bank city of Nablus.
Accompanied by fellow Shas party member MK Yoav Ben-Tzur and Petah Tivka Deputy Mayor Uriel Boso, Deri was seen praying, singing and dancing at the shrine revered by Jews as the burial site of the biblical patriarch Joseph.
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A Statement from the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, concerning the Israeli police measures on Holy Saturday- May 2013
Source: Churches for Middle-East Peace (CMEP), Saturday, May 11, 2013
We understand the necessity and the importance of the presence of security forces to ensure order and stability, and for organizing the celebration of the Holy Fire at the Church of the Resurrection. Yet, it is not acceptable that under pretext of security and order, our clergy and people are indiscriminately and brutally beaten, and prevented from entering their churches, monasteries and convents.
We urge the Israeli authorities especially the Ministry of Interior and the police department in Jerusalem, to seriously consider our complaints, to hold responsibility and to condemn all acts of violence against our faithful and the clergy who were ill-treated by the police. We deplore that every year, the police measures are becoming tougher, and we expect that these accidents will not be repeated and the police should be more sensitive and respectful if they seek to protect and serve.
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