Vegan / cruelty free skin care suggestions [View all]
I used to buy and looove Clinique's eye cream, but Clinique (Estee Lauder parent company) now states that it does animal testing "where required by law". They caved in order to have access to Chinese markets, which apparently demand products be animal-tested. Fuckers.
Anyway. I bought an alternative cream that was paraben free, etc., etc., supposedly hypoallergenic, no animal testing, etc. And was in pain, with puffy eyes, every time I tried to use it (twice - first time I thought it was a fluke, second time I wised up).
I don't want to use anything heavy with petrolatum for obvious reasons, nor to I want to dab straight coconut, Vitamin E, or other oil on the delicate skin around my eyes at night. But my skin is dry, and I do like to take care of my skin as best I can (esp. as I slide toward middle age)
There are many, many vegan/cruelty-free brands listed at PETA, but I'm wondering if anyone here has a brand they like and trust. No guarantees I won't have problems with it, I know, but I always like to have input before I try something new.