Vegetarian, Vegan and Animal Rights
In reply to the discussion: So I am considering changing to a vegetarian diet [View all]Foolacious
(518 posts)We need a fairly even mix of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Any of these can be had from good sources (fresh, organic, etc.) or from poor ones (packaged, refined, etc.) and one should try to avoid the latter. But avoiding carbohydrates across the board can result in:
1) "Starvation mode" weight gain, wherein the body becomes determined to convert everything to fat because it thinks it's starving.
2) Reduced mental clarity, since the brain needs the fuel provided by carbohydrates to operate properly.
3) Other bad things that I don't know anything about.
If your diet is more than 40% or less than 20% of any one of these three groups, you're probably out of balance.
To move toward a healthy weight:
1) Avoid carbs at night; go to bed a little hungry if you can, or find some other way to fill your tummy -- a protein snack, or even a glass of water. If you're in rest mode while carbs are being processed, they won't be used as immediate fuel and will instead be converted to fat.
2) Consume more protein at night. While you're resting is when your body wants to convert protein to muscle.
3) Exercise, both aerobic/cardio and nonaerobic/strength.
Good luck!
P.S. I'm a pescetarian.