blanche to make directly personal, hostile remarks (attributing statements to me that i didn't make, for example 'posters are what's wrong with this forum'.)
You're the one who said this forum needed a fork. Asking why you're still here if you think so isn't any more hostile than posting about forks and saying that because posters here aren't interested in discussing a TV anti-education propaganda-fest, the forum needs a fork.
There's nothing innovative coming out of the education deformers; indeed nothing new at all. If that offends you & you perceive it as hostile, oh well. It's the truth.
I'd be embarrassed to tout such things as 'flipped classrooms' as innovative.
and i'll add: your stereotypical portrayal of pre-deform classrooms as "sit & get" "lecture style" shows you haven't been in many classrooms & is itself a hostile portrayal.
also, having e-books, computers, or flying wired blackboards in classrooms doesn't in itself represent any advance over textbooks.
like everything, *it depends on how they're used.* and i have little doubt, given the realities of our present situation, that in the end, ebooks will be used just as textbooks are in the most stereotypical *worst* classrooms and won't do a damn thing to change what's actually wrong with (some) education.