I was very careful to specify I was asking people to sign these only if they agree with them. Since you don't, no problem.
NYC_SKP, let me explain the situation here a bit more.
Where I teach, administrators have CREATED a very real "teachers good, administrators bad" situation. They have bullied many friends of mine terribly -- two of whom had to be hospitalized -- and are engaged (along with politicians) in an all-out battle to destroy my local union. What's more, central Arkansas is far from being the only place where this is happening.
Yes, administrators are generally former teachers, as you wrote -- and here, at least, they are former teachers who have betrayed their former colleagues, and are actively fighting against us, to the detriment of the education of our students.
If this is not the case where you are, I am glad to know that our situation doesn't exist everywhere. If you aren't having to deal with overpaid, abusive, out-of-control administrators where you teach (I am assuming you are a teacher), then I am happy for you.
Unfortunately, that would make our situations very different.
As stated before, I am asking people to sign these petitions (one or both) if, and only if, they agree with them. By clicking on the link for either one, one isn't signing -- but only going to the petition website, where one can read it. Then the reader can decide whether to sign, or not sign. It's not a one-click thing, and I'm not asking anyone to sign something with which they disagree.