‘It’s ridiculous!’ Conservative mother fumes over school assignment claiming GOP is anti-welfare [View all]
Its ridiculous! Conservative mother fumes over school assignment claiming GOP is anti-welfare
Eric W. Dolan
11 Feb 2015 at 10:32 ET
A conservative Wisconsin mother says she was shocked that find that her sons classroom assignment described Republicans as being against welfare.
The woman said her son, a junior at Nathan Hale High School in West Allis, was asked to complete an assignment about the political spectrum in his U.S. government class last week, Fox News reported. The assignment required students to link a number of political statements to different party affiliations.
Her son was graded as incorrect for assessing the statement, We should not help the poor, its a waste of money, as Fascist instead of conservative/Republican.
When I picked my son up from school, he asked me what political party did I think thought We should not help the poor, its a waste of money, the students mother, Heather Bronnson, told EAGnews.