But time just keeps getting away from me (7 month old twins).
I saw that post and for me, it was a little confusing. It was hard to link the plant that was being built to the military and how that links back to what we COULD buy with it. There was a 1 missing in the beginning of the title, as well. I might try to present it more like:
1,000,000,000 - what can it buy?
Then list out all the ridiculous expenditures for military hardware. Then I would add maybe OR it can feed X number of people with an average food stamp allotment of y per person. It can pay for Head Start for X number of children for Y number of years, etc.
For me, that is where the true disgust of the military expenditures comes into play. I'm sorry, but I really didn't understand what the plant had to do with the military expenditures you listed (this could be my fault due to getting little sleep -both of my sons are teething). Maybe make the plant secondary, or part of the lists of things that could be built/created with 1 billion dollars... like after sending children to Head Start, mention Build a plant that provides jobs for X number of people (didn't see the # in the Wikipedia article).
I hope that helps. I've noticed that the plight of the poor is not often a subject that gets lots of replies. I believe this may be due to the fact that most people agree with the need to provide a safety net and controversial subjects usually get the most responses.
Keep up the fight, unhappycamper!