media commentary on Kerry speech [View all]
I'm posting this thread to keep beachmom's really good thread separate from commentary on last night's speech
Here's a media account I found this morning, by Major Garrett, in the nonpartisan National Journal.
The headline:
John Kerry's Revenge on the Flip Flop
The man who could be the next secretary of State, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., finally buried the biggest gaffe of his 2004 run for the White House and turned it against GOP nominee Mitt Romney.
Kerry wobbled in 2004 when he famously said "I actually did vote for [it] before I voted against it" when discussing Iraq and Afghanistan war funding.. . it was the flip-flop heard around the world. On Thursday, Kerry flung straight at Romney's forehead. Democratic delegates heard a resounding slap.
Kerry ticked off a list of apparently conflicting Romney positions on intervention in Libya, withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, and a timeline for bringing U.S. forces home from Afghanistan."Talk about being for it before you were against it," Kerry said. "Mr. Romneyhere's a little advice: Before you debate Barack Obama on foreign policy, you better finish the debate with yourself!"
Kerry also brought the "are you better off" debate into the foreign-policy arena.
"Ask Osama bin Laden if he is better off now than he was four years ago," he told the delegates at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.
Fantastic convention.