and recent events.
The stats on the difference between the hard right fascists and the broad Peronist left and right populations are stark. If only voters would take the time to give information like this a long hard consideration before voting next time. Unbelievable!
However, it's easy now to recognize how easily corrupted "news" national treatment of vital information can mislead enormous numbers of incurious people. The sociopaths have greedy, soulless supporters in a materialistic class of big media owners. Overwhelmingly sad was learning how Clarín, Argentina's largest newspaper, and powerful influence, completely whitewashed the Dirty War, with its shocking kidnappings of suspected dissidents, massive torture centers, murders, "death flights" of prisoners who were chained together and dropped into the Atlantic or La Plata River, from military airplanes, and permanent "disappearances" of over 30,000 human beings. Vanished, as if they'd never been born.
Clarín owner, Ernestina Herrera de Noble, with dictator Videla, often seen together in photos, attended public functions, below:
Clarín has remained Argentina's largest newspaper and is still powerful, with the 2nd largest digital readership in the Spanish-speaking world, none the worse for wear. Sad.
This article is one which shouldn't be missed. It's deeply important. It goes so far in providing information which does not get shared by US corporate news sources. What Washington supports should matter to US citizens.