Fetish website asked to supply medical uniforms to real doctors and nurses [View all]
Fetish website asked to supply medical uniforms to real doctors and nurses
By Brian Niemietz
New York Daily News |
Mar 29, 2020 | 6:01 PM
So much for playing doctor.
MedFetUK said it was contacted by the National Health Services representatives searching for masks, scrubs and whatever else they might have on hand.
“Today we donated our entire stock of disposable scrubs to an NHS hospital. It was just a few sets, because we don’t carry large stocks, but they were desperate, so we sent them free of charge. We don’t usually do politics on Twitter, but here’s a short thread,” the site for hospital-loving hobbyists tweeted.
MedFetUK said in its five-part Twitter story that the fact they were contacted indicates British officials are not being truthful when they claim medical workers have the supplies they need to fight a deadly pandemic.
“When we, a tiny company set up to serve a small section of the kink community, find ourselves being sought out as a last-resort supplier to our National Health Service in a time of crisis, something is seriously wrong. In fact, it’s scandalous,” they wrote.
Not only do workers at MedFetUK have a thing for medical garb; they also have a soft spot for the people who wear it. The company blamed government cuts and underfunding for the shortage of supplies and called for those responsible to be punished for leaving medical workers ill-equipped to go to war.
“So when it’s all over...and the doctors, nurses and other staff have done an amazing job (as they undoubtedly will despite the circumstances)... let’s not forget, or forgive, the ones who sent the NHS into this battle with inadequate armour and one hand tied behind its back,” the final tweet in that series reads.