What's the plural of 'phoenix'? Utah father thinks it's vulgar and a bad mascot name [View all]
The mythical namesake of Arizona's capital and biggest city has appeared in countless pieces of literature, on flags and in even comic books, but one Utah parent is concerned that the phoenix should not be the mascot of a new high school in his town.
Farmington High School is set to open in 2018. Kyle Fraughton, of Farmington, doesn't think phoenix should be the school's mascot because the word sounds similar to "penises" when pluralized.
Chris Williams, a district spokesman, said administrators remain confident students will mirror the reputation of the mascot.
"We dont see anything about the plural version of phoenix having anything to do whats going to be happening at the school or on the football field," he told Salt Lake City's Fox 13. "We think students are going to rise to the occasion."
"We think students are going to rise to the occasion."