A few headaches in thinking about Kubuntu [View all]
I am getting recommendations re: Kubuntu by Linux.
Evidently it will run Windows GAMES which is a plus for me.
And it runs LIBRE OFFICE which I've also heard good things about --
and it's simple.
Evidently, it's better than Linux Mint --
In fact, they're recommending that you just wipe out Microsoft.
I'm willing to do that but maybe I could partition my computer instead?
On the other hand, maybe my computer is simply too old to run Linux on? (HP compaq, bought second hand two years ago, but it is old.) So what are the system requirements?
And keep half Windows XP, but the other half could be on the web and therefore needs to be modernized, to keep up with all then ewer websites.
I have to check my WP and see what I have there that I might need to make notes about.
Can people here do me a favor and let me know if LINUX (Kutbunto or Mint or any of their programs) will automatically run your copier? Very concerned about that!
What I want to know are what are the main snags that you hit
in installing any of the Linux programs that create a problem?
Either at the time of installation or later on? Snags?
Wow -- thought I'd have this done over the weekend.