Family member scammed by Google Rewards malware pop-up. Now what? [View all]
She had the pop-up that said, like, "you're one of 100 users selected" or somesuch, dangling a free iPad or Netflix subscription, stuff like that. She clicked on through and after giving address, email, and cc #, she got "signed up" and paid $9.95 for what SOUNDS like is going to be a deluge of spam from 10 pages of marketing companies. Oh -- but you can earn reward points if you buy their crap! (Of course.) Apparently the one-by-one opt out option for all those individual companies finally made her think something wasn't legit. (And I'm SURE the opt-out would actually work, right? )
Anyhow, so far I just see the $9.95 transaction pending on her card from something that lists as "STAX *MYSUGARFREEGUM" and an email from
What should I expect? What should I do?
Should I walk her through locking her credit card?
Call the bank's fraud dept and try to cancel that transaction?
Get her a new email account and just call it lessons learned?
Prepare for her identify to be stolen?