1) In response to two televised personal attacks by Karl Rove, Jill Simpson stepped up to expose Rove's election theft empire. She did so with a power point presentation at a NYC press conference, and then with a map of that empire presented at the National Press Club on October 24, 2012. See http://electionprotectionaction.org
2) Shortly after OpSec first appeared, Simpson exposed it as a Rove's 2012 variation of the 2004 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth attack upon John Kerry. OpSec fizzled.
3) Columbus, Ohio based FreePress.org produced a series of first rate investigative reports: a) exposing Romney family ownership interests in Hart Inter-Civic, b) exposing secret patches being attached to ES&S county tabulators in 25 of the largest population counties administered by ES&S in Ohio, and c) exposing the influence by funding of the partisan electronic voting machine companies of academic institutions.
4) Professional mathematician Richard Charnin integrated his model of U.S. Voting patterns with the unadjusted exit polling data sponsored by the media consortium on file at the University of Connecticut. Rove's pattern of systemic "red shifting" of American elections from 1988 forward can now be documented by reference to data of which a court can take judicial notice. See http://richardcharnin.com
5) We submitted reports/complaints to the FBI in regard to the evidence of election fraud being gathered by Jill Simpson and Bob Fitrakis an Gerry Bello of the Free Press. We filed complaints in state and federal courts in Ohio seeking to block the utilization of secret patches to red shift Ohio votes in the 2012 election.
6) Main Stream media: Forbes Magazine, Fox TV of Cincinnati, and others reported with favor the merits of the Free Press reporting on the ES&S patch and the vulnerability of the election process to fraudulent manipulation. In sharp contrast to 2004, the Free Press with a rare exception of an alternative media source, was not criticized as seeking to generating "conspiracy theories."
7) The U.S. Department of Justice announced before the 2012 election that it would be monitoring for evidence not only of voter suppression but also election fraud, and fielded attorneys and FBI agents around the country to do so.
8) ABC television's Scandal has begun to reveal the story of the 2000/2004 theft of Presidential elections by Karl Rove. The cat is out of the bag when it's playing on prime-time broadcast TV.
Cliff Arnebeck