Donald Caldwell
32% increase ,, I have 10 part time employees ,, guess 3 gota go
Here are a few (liberal, I'm assuming) responses to that comment:
Brian Ellis
@Donald Caldwell, If that is the case, I hope you have to close your doors.
Mike Davis
@Donald Caldwell If you are that close to the edge I would suggest you are almost out of business anyways. Your business is weak.
Robert Borden
@Donald Caldwell I have 7 full time employees and this won't hurt me at all, but then again I pay them substantially more than minimum wage and already provide sick days, emergency family days including bereavement leave, and start employees at three weeks vacation.
The better I treat my staff, the better work I get from them and the more work I get from customers. They'll even work ungodly hours to get things done because they know I'll give them the same treatment they give me.
Fraser James
@Donald Caldwell If your business model requires you to pay your employees minimum wage (which isn't a living wage) then maybe you have a crappy business model. Or maybe you could work more hours or maybe you could take home less of the profits. These are all alternative options to firing people. But oh, wait, not in the world of a businessperson (whose SOLE purpose is to make money). Great purpose, btw.
Dave MacKenzie
@Donald Caldwell Your business model depends upon exploiting poor people? That should be a crime.
Again, I'm reading the older posts first. Conservative trolls seem to have stormed the board in the past few hours.
Apologies if this was hard to read. I miss formatting....