Precarious jobs scar employees mental health: survey [View all]
By Sara MojtehedzadehWork and Wealth reporter
Mon., March 20, 2017
Poll suggests stress is the biggest disadvantage of insecure work.
Stress, unhappiness and an unhealthy home life are the biggest consequences of unstable employment, according to a new survey of more than 4,000 workers by the Ontario Federation of Labour.
While financial insecurity was flagged as a cause for concern, respondents identified anxiety as the single most important repercussion of precarious jobs.
Im not surprised because its been happening for so long here in this province, said OFL president Chris Buckley.
My heart aches for people who are in this situation, because you cant plan your day-to-day life. You cant plan your future. You cant plan anything.
In absence of proactive policy actions to reverse the rise of precarious work, the increase in mental health issues and family health issues will result in profound social, economic and healthcare costs, he said.
The Ontario government is currently reviewing its employment and labour laws with an eye to providing better protection for vulnerable workers.
Right off the hop, workers should have their schedule at least two weeks in advance. They should be able to plan their lives at least two weeks out instead of sitting by the phone. The number of temporary jobs in Ontario has grown by 45 per cent since the year 2000, Buckley said.
Yeah, we already know this stuff, but it's great to see it being reported on and addressed by the government (finally!) The Toronto Star has been at the forefront of reporting on this issue, practically forcing the government to respond.
Excellent recent report here as well from the Law Commission of Ontario:
Identifying Vulnerable Workers and Precarious Work