Bill C-51 anti-terror arrests without a crime concern legal experts [View all]
The use of the new provision, Section 810.011 of the Criminal Code, in recent cases such as that of Ontario man Kevin Omar Mohamed is drawing criticism that the law is both redundant and over-powerful.
"The Criminal Code already had provisions in place whereby the police could detain individuals for a number of inchoate offences," says Sukanya Pillay, executive director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.
"In particular, we're concerned that by doing this, we're normalizing these exceptional powers, and the case hasn't been made that they're needed," says Pillay.
Although the contentious Bill C-51 was passed under the previous Conservative federal government, the new Liberal government indicates it is unlikely to change Section 810.011 of the code.
A lower standard for arrests
Previously, police had to show they feared "on reasonable grounds" that the person "will" commit a terrorism offence in order to bring them before a judge for a peace bond hearing. Now, police must only show their fear that the person "may" commit a terrorism offence.
Who needs reasonable grounds when we have sun-shiney ways!!1?!