I felt that "mediocrity" at play back when we lost the province to Brad Wall. It should have been an easy win but it was if they couldn't be bothered promoting their long history of public service.
I saw it again last night when all the other dedicated volunteers decided to sit this one out and I found myself as the "campaign representative", the "inside scrutineer", and the driver to take long time supporters to the polls, of which there were four that I was scrutinizing. I had a snippy harperite woman working as a poll clerk tell me that I had no right to see the names of people who were registering at the time of voting. I called the campaign office for support and they didn't get back to me.
This same nasty woman dragged out her closing duties that she was doing, for an hour and a half after the polls closed. My final words to her were along the lines of "I will never trust the accuracy of this poll...." and then I went home with another candidates rep.'s count.
When I tried to call my numbers in, the "mailbox" was full.....so I flipped the channel from the BlueJay game to the news and found that our local votes wouldn't have mattered. They still haven't called for them.
But...in fairness we got what we want. Anybody But Conservative!!
The stupidity, not only of my province, but of my community for believing the Harper lies is almost unbearable. That we are the birthplace of social democracy in North America and can't find support is killing me.