As it stands, no one's on track to get a majority government, but I'm hoping the plurality is up for grabs. Support for the Cons has been pretty steady, so they may have maxed out. If they keep hammering away at Trudeau, and if Mulcair can get more airtime, then maybe, just maybe, the NDP can take the lead. (Yeah, I'm a dreamer.)
But whoever wins, without a majority, they're going to have to find support somewhere. If the Cons win, I figure they'll try to run a minority government by appealing to the LINO who support their causes. If the Libs win, Trudeau will *want* to have a minority government, but I suspect he'll be forced into a coalition because Harper will prohibit his MPs from supporting him. And while Mulcair will probably be willing, the two parties might have trouble reconciling their policy differences. And, as previously mentioned, it's hard to imagine Trudeau reaching out to Mulcair.
Of course, if the NDP wins, I can see Trudeau trying to force a coalition by prohibiting his MPs from cooperating otherwise. I don't think that would be completely successful for him, but I also could see Mulcair being conciliatory and offering a coalition government anyway. Kind of depends on how short of a majority they are and whether the Green Party can help. As for the Libs at that point, I can easily imagine them turning on Trudeau. They don't strike me as a particularly loyal bunch.