This is more than just parents needing to be involved. Its politicians, the education system and most importantly the security apparatus including the police. As someone who knows quite first hand the security apparatus works, these kids don't have allies. You have to reach out to these kids when they are young, most impressionable and you have to act honestly; not with ulterior motives. Instead what many of these young people have are perverse abusers of powers, many agents working undercover without accountability who salivate at the opportunity to further their careers on the backs of the misery of others.
Does Canada care to hold these abusers of power to account? When our Charter of Rights and Freedoms is trampled do Canadians care, or only care if the person being persecuted shared their view?
I am not one who believes that we back down and play soft with terrorists. In that, some of these media outlets you mention in the Right are not too different from those in the Left. You can't sit down and break bread and share a cup of tea with some who are too far gone and who despise the West and life itself. You have to meet their violence or they will kill innocent citizens with impunity. These young kids in Canada have to be reached before they are on the front lines and causing harm to Canadians and our allies. They are acting with emotion and impulse rather than really understanding the consequences.