Signs mount that Canada's government is beholden to a religious agenda averse to science and rational debate.
Unknown to most Canadians, the prime minister belongs to the Christian and Missionary Alliance, an evangelical Protestant church with two million members. The church believes that the free market is divinely inspired and that non-believers are "lost."
Given his government's pointed attacks on environmentalists and science of any kind, Harper would seem to take his advice from the Cornwall Alliance, a coalition of hard right-wing scholars, economists and evangelicals. The Alliance questions mainstream science, doubts climate change, views environmentalism as "evil," champions fossil fuels and supports libertarian economics.
A Cornwall declaration describes environmental regulation as an impediment to God's will:
We aspire to a world in which liberty as a condition of moral action is preferred over government-initiated management of the environment as a means to common goals.
A book published by the Alliance called Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion not Death even portrays environmental groups as "one of the greatest threats to society and the Church today."