Being mis-diagnosed and in pain, not knowing if the doctor's know what they're treating you for is correct - such a horrible thing to live with. I can understand why the ER doctor was livid, and am so sorry, just terrible. Seeing your Dad cry just breaks my heart. I've worked in health-care much of my life and like you, I've lost all faith in doctors who don't seem to push very hard for the elderly. I've seen too much of it and what it does to not only the pt, but the families, like yours. Now I phone straight to the specialists for anything concerning my mom, and keep it up until I do get an appointment. I haven't been to my family doctor since my Dad died. He was his doctor also, and treated Dad more like a friend with the flu or something than anything else. I was the one who had to push to see his specialists - my Dad got so weak between transfusions and absolutely hated the long trips to the city but at that early point still wanted to live, so badly. I think he just finally decided he didn't want to put us all through a prolonged terminal illness .......... but we had only just begun.
I'm so, so sorry for what you all went through.