Falling oil price skewers Stephen Harper’s economic plan-YAY! [View all]
ops. There go the tarsands.
For this government, Albertas oilsands were the key to Canadas economic future. But it rested on one thin reed: an oil price high enough to cover the cost of extracting bitumen from the tarsands. Now, with oil prices expected to remain low for the indefinite future, the entire project looks increasingly iffy, writes Thomas Walkom.
The dramatic slide in oil prices has underscored the fragility of Stephen Harpers entire resource-based approach to the economy.
For this government, Albertas oilsands were the key to Canadas economic future.
Alberta heavy oil would be sold to the world at premium prices. Spin-offs would provide jobs for Canadians across the country.
It was a coherent vision. But it rested on one thin reed: an oil price high enough to cover the cost of extracting bitumen from the tarsands.
Now, with oil prices expected to remain low for the indefinite future, the entire project looks increasingly iffy.
That became glaringly obvious in the stock markets late this week as investors bailed out of energy companies.