TransMountain, aka Kinder Morgan sent a flyer to my mailbox [View all]
Showing a smiling white guy (strangely enough not the obligatory woman of colour) in a hardhat standing in front of pristine wilderness; blurbs about their "robust" emergency management programs and the like. For those who aren't aware, kinder morgan plans to double up their pipeline so that they can pipe dilbit from the tar sands into Vancouver and exponentially increase tanker traffic through the gulf islands. They have already entered a protected park in Burnaby and cut down a bunch of old growth trees before they were stopped by court order, evidently they are planning a new route instead of following the old one. Obviously the photo on the front of the brochure was taken before they cut down the trees. I think they are holding this event because the towns around the coast are holding referendums on the mayoral election protesting the increased tanker traffic.
So Kinder Morgan is advertising a "twitter town hall" to take place on Oct 14, 2014 from 8 to 9 PM that would be Pacific Standard Time
Should be fun! These things often turn out to be a PR nightmare. If anybody has any pithy comments and can't participate, pass them along to me I'll be glad to use them.