Did you read packman? Typical response which indicates he did not read the link.
Canada's taxes are higher than the US. There are not that many loopholes like the USA has.
I can not imagine Donald Trump wanting to be a Canadian citizen. He would have to pay the high Canadian tax He would have to go through the very costly horrors of US exit tax to give up his US citizenship or if he opts to be dual he would reported to the IRS by Canadian banks what he has in them. . He could pack his money in trunks if he did not want that but he would risk being arrested if did not file US taxes when he crosses the US border.He could opt for another country in the world and pay less taxes. Canada is not a tax haven. You know The USA is a tax haven with many hiding money in Delaware and Wyoming .
Dont you think the very rich can dodge taxes anyway they want?. Look at Romney. they can afford to pay people to help them do this for them.
Little people can not do that.
Harper has so many problems now. Many of his laws have been challenged in Canada's Supreme court and been struck down. He is a loser and knows it. The word up here is to vote strategically in 2015, ABC. Anyone but Conservative. His corruption is being exposed everyday.
The US is the only country in the world that has Citizen based taxation, besides Eritrea. The rest of the world is Resident based taxation. This is true freedom and also encourages commerce, real capitalism. The IRS treats Americans abroad like criminals. It is so sad when 99.9 % are not tax cheaters. Most dhocked they hav1e to file US taxes when living in outside of USA.
I do NOT remember being taught about Citizen based taxation in history class in my US high school. my neighbor an move to UK lie there with a Visa for a years. He would not pay taxes to Canada while living in UK. He would pay taxes to UK. He can return to live in Canada or stay in the UK if the UK grants that. He would not be thought as not patriotic.
Thanks for a fair and sane exchange of dialogue.
Now I must watch House of Cards. Excellent show. I can believe it is not fiction, sadly.