Within hours of the announcement by the Australian Border Force that they would be joining Victoria Police in randomly stopping people and conducting identity and visa checks, in an exercise dubbed Operation Fortitude, Twitter had been used to mobilise protesters to converge on Flinders St. Police Station, blocking traffic in the street outside.
Six hapless ABF officials involved in the announcement were trapped inside a police booth at Flinders St. Station as it was surrounded by protesters and had to be rescued by cops.
The ABF hastened to lay the blame for its involvement at the feet of an unidentified "low level" official - as if. Minister Dutton, whose bright idea this probably was, was not available for comment. Of course he wasn't.
And congratulations are being given to Melburnians, who moved so quickly to shut down this idiotic and nasty exercise in racism.
Nice to know that Australian Border Farce's pathetic attempt to turn us into a police state rebounded on them (and on the Minister, who may, we hope, pay the price at the next election).
Australians aren't all as xenophobic as Abbott & Co. would like to believe.
I always enjoy seeing People Power at work.