However, there is less attraction to nicotine than to alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs that are more psychoactive. Less incentive to get hooked if it is not a social thing. There is no elevating high with nicotine (not speaking from experience) but there is an increase in stress-tolerance (about 25% above non-smokers) that lasts about as long as between cigarettes consumed by a pack-a-day nicotine addict. The real kicker is that for the nicotine addict feeling a need for a cig, stress-tolerance declines significantly below a non-addicted person's stress-tolerance (which does not go up and down on a 40 minute cycle).
On that basis, it is possible a prohibition on tobacco might snuff out the habit and push it way down lower than all other addictive drugs (cocaine, opioids, meth, alcohol, etc.), prohibitions of which have failed or seem to increase societal misery by condemning addicts to poisoned supplies and lack of treatment.
I'm intellectually opposed to prohibitions, but it would have been interesting to see how the NZ tobacco prohibition might have played out.