West Virginia
Showing Original Post only (View all)Mr. Moustache and Electra-kitty [View all]
There is a semi-feral male cat I've been feeding at our office the last few months; he is a spectacular-looking creature and for some reason my husband dubbed him "Mr. Moustache". He was very skinny at first but has put on some weight, isn't as wary of me, and I'll be trying to catch him for medical care and neutering sometime this summer.
He shows up usually at one or two set times per day and I feed him upward of 3-4 cans of food. He was very hungry but lately, he hasn't needed as much food - I think he's finally filling out a bit and getting beyond ravenous.
Here's Mr. Moustache:
He showed what a unique creature he is on Father's Day. My husband and I stopped by the office as we usually do, every day, and that Sunday was no different. We pulled in to our parking spot and Mr. Moustache was sitting there waiting for his lunch and I hustled inside to put together the plate of food for him; when I set it outside in the sheltered area I have for him, there was an orange kitten with him, and he stepped back to allow the kitten to eat. I grabbed the kitten, brought him inside, and had a fantastic home for him by that Thursday.
The next Saturday, we pulled in to our office as usual, and Mr. Moustache had a young female kitten with him, that he also stepped back and let at the food first. I grabbed her, too, and have named her "Electra". I think both she and the orange fella (his new momma named him Scooter) were from the same litter, and were Mr. Moustache's kids. Electra looks a lot like him in her coloring. She was dehydrated and very hungry and very small - I think the runt of the litter. But now she's buzzing around like kittens should, eating, sleeping, and doing her litter box business like a champ.
I call her Electra because it looks to me like she has a light bulb on her forehead. She weighs a little less than 2.5lbs; I'd guess she's between 10-12 weeks old.
Electra needs a loving forever ("furever" home. Whomever adopts her must agree to love, cherish and serve her for the rest of her hopefully long life. We have four cats of our own (and Electra gets along with all of them); I take care of a variety of ferals, and I just don't have the bandwidth for a kitten. (HOWEVER, if someone adopted her and it didn't work out, my policy is to take her back, no questions asked - I don't want her abandoned or in a shelter. I'll take as long as it takes to find her the perfect home).
Here she is:
If you would love to have Electra, please contact me. We live in Virginia. If you're not in Virginia, we'll figure out a way to get her to you if you're the right fit. I adore this little baby girl but she needs a person of her own. But it has to be the right person.
A few more photos are here:
I'm also working with some placement groups locally, but they are overwhelmed at the moment and understaffed as one of the key people is battling cancer.
Thanks for reading. Please keep this kicked for me, even if you can't take her.