This knee-jerk claim that criticism of any one believer or group of believers is an attack on all believers is high-test swill, and one suspects political poseurs engaging it know what they are doing.
If you are not a radical, Opus Dei style Catholic who contemplates constituting himself as the Church Militant all on his oddy-knocky, then no one pointing out the danger such a person poses is saying anything about you. If you claim something is being said against you when such danger is pointed out, you have just told on yourself. You have made clear you identify with a radical extreme, that you think the mainstream of your faith is inseparable from radical extremists, and that in a pinch, you will back such extremists on religious grounds. Your response in fact makes the charge one against you, you're the hit dog what hollers....
One wonders, in closing, how often this Miyares fella has said Islam's clergy ought to speak out against Islamic radicals, rather than denounce 'Islamophobia', and how often he's said leaders in the black community need to speak out against violent elements in their own community instead of blaming racism....