Mexican history is a topic usually ignored in high school curricula, despite the fact that the US shares a long land border with the Mexican republic.
The effects of the long, bloody Mexican Revolution of 1910 are another topic likely to be slighted in American primary and secondary school. While many Anglos might know why their forebears left Ireland, Germany and the former Austrian and Russian empires during this time period, most of them either dont have a clue that the Mexicans had a revolution at this time or just how bloody and devastating it was. Millions of people left. And no, they didnt leave just to pick cotton or work in Californias orange groves. They left because their lives and safety were in danger or because they were starving.
That the Mexican Revolution was bloodier than the Irish uprising or what happened in the former Hungarian party of the Austrian Empire isnt a thought that entered their pretty little heads. It still hasnt, and probably wont, (no) thanks to the reactionaries that hold Texas and other states with large Latino minorities (Or pluralities!) by the throat.