Tarrant County And The Future Of America [View all]
Tarrant County is facing a battle for democracy in Texas and needs a strong Democratic victory in 2024.
This last weekend, Allison Campolo, the Chair of the Tarrant County Democratic Party, abruptly resigned. This means there will be a special election for the TCDP within 30 days, and Tarrant County Democratic precinct chairs will elect that person.
In a statement to the Star-Telegram, Campolo said her decision to resign came with a realization that there were people in this county who were ready to run for this position who are highly qualified and would continue to grow and diversify our party.
The importance of Tarrant County in both state and national politics.
In 2022, Christian extremism watchdog Jenny Cohn brought light to the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). This global movement promotes dominionism, which is the belief that Christians have a mandate from God to control all aspects of government and society. Lance Wallhau is an apostle of NAR and a right-wing evangelist who proudly declared himself as a Christian Nationalist and, in 2021, urged Trump to hold Christian-based rallies.