I still have a land line in addition to my cell phone and so I get polled from time to time. I was polled a couple of months back on school vouchers. This was a GOP poll trying to measure support for school vouchers and the gutting Texas public education. .
I see now that Greg wants to destroy public education and give vouchers to children attending private schools.
Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday voiced support for a school voucher plan, offering his clearest embrace in recent memory of letting parents use taxpayers dollars to send their kids to non-public schools.
We can fully fund public schools while also giving parents a choice about which school is right for their child, Abbott said during a campaign event in San Antonio. Empowering parents means giving them the choice to send their children to any public school, charter school or private school with state funding following the student.
Abbott has long been a supporter of the broad concept of school choice, but his focus on it has ebbed and flowed throughout his governorship. His commitment to the cause was thrown into question by a recent string of endorsements in Texas House primary runoffs where he backed Republicans opposed by school-choice proponents, including U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz.
Critics of vouchers say they hurt public schools, an argument that Abbotts Democratic challenger, Beto ORourke, quickly made after the governors remarks.
Abbott is for defunding our public schools, ORourke tweeted. I'm for fully funding our kids classrooms and fully supporting parents, teachers, and students.
Greg is out to destroy public education n Texas and this is just the lates tool