In reply to the discussion: Fracking Issues - NOT restricted to PA, but very relevant to all states with this problem. [View all]appleannie1
(5,210 posts)clear and pure. Then they decided to drill gas wells in the area. We now buy our drinking water. Our washing machine, dishwasher, sinks, tubs and toilets are now stained orange. I sometimes take baths in water that is actually black. I cannot see the tub through it. We buy new dishes yearly because they get so stained they are disgusting. I take clothes to a laundromat to keep them from being ruined. Do not ever believe anyone that tells you that gas drilling and fracking are safe. The gas company did tests on our water before and after the drilling. It was proof positive that they ruined our well. The only thing they would do was put in a water softener so for a while we had soft water we could not drink or cook with. But there was so much sediment in the water that the softener was clogged in a little over a year and not working at all. But we were lucky. At least our water does not burn like some do.