and austerity for the rest stimulates growth and jobs still exists, with 40 years of evidence to the contrary is incredible. Look at majority Red-governed states Kansas, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Florida and many others where underfunded schools are frequently closed early, neglected potholes are routine, food pantries are lifesavers, prisons are full, and millions are living on the margins, the lucky ones working several low wage, no benefits jobs in the new "gig economy." Advantages of this kind of society for those at the top are apparent and ageless: uniformed, ignorant and beaten down populaces are easily manipulated and controlled.
Attacks for years on the US public school system, once the model of the world, in favor of privatized education for profit is the goal. In the last 20 years mass promotion and funding by RW think tanks and financiers of private charter schools, religious schools and home schooling- anything but "government schools"! exploded. I remember when public school teachers and the profession were respected and society benefitted greatly from having a large, educated citizenry. In my family at least six became educators. *Fine to me are families that decide their children's needs are truly better served by private schools or homeschooling based on disability, religion or other factors.
Destruction of the US public school system and higher ed has been a long-held goal of the broader, far right agenda: erosion of public-operated and funded agencies and services, on all levels- education, US Postal Service, utilities, roads and infrastructure, public media, public lands and parks, more.
OKLAHOMA- given conditions described in the Vox article, and issues brought up by an informed OK teacher/representative I just saw on the Democracy Now! news program, teachers and other public employees need to have long term grievances addressed, and soon. By a strike if it has to come to that. We'll see.
Tulsa teacher TERESA DANKS (rt.) this week speaking about OK, lowest ranked state for teacher pay, appalling.