Snip-..."Supporters have said the subsidies are needed to save more than 4,000 primary and secondary jobs at FirstEnergy Solutions two nuclear plants, Davis-Besse and Perry. The argument was also made that nuclear provides about 15% of the states energy and that it's the largest non-carbon emitting energy source in Ohio."
Snip-"The plan would create an $0.85 charge on monthly electric bills. That, along with increased charges for commercial and industrial users, would generate $150 million a year for the nuclear plants. Another $20 million would go towards existing solar farms."
Snip-"FirstEnergy Solutions announced in 2018 that it was filing for bankruptcy and had to close its two nuclear power plants unless policymakers granted subsidies. Some opponents of the bill question that claim.
The bill allows utilities to also charge ratepayers up to $1.50 a month to subsidize Ohio Valley Electric Corporation (OVEC) coal plants, Kyger Creek (Gallia County) and Clifty Creek (Madison, IN)."
So why am I paying for Indiana coal?